What Couples Should Know About Communication

Why is communication important in Relationships?

Communication is essential for couples as it fosters emotional connection, allowing them to share their feelings, thoughts, and experiences openly. It helps resolve conflicts by promoting understanding and compromise between partners. Effective communication strengthens trust and builds a strong foundation for a lasting relationship. Moreover, it enables partners to support each other through life's challenges, enhancing their love and commitment.

if it hurts to stay connected in your relationship – after a while you will stop connecting. Then the relationship starts to die.

Untreated communication issues are the single most common killer of relationships

The single most common reason couple contact us is a failure in communication.  It is in this area that having a specialist trained couples therapist really pays off.  Our team can coach you to avoid behaviours that have been proved in multiple research studies to predict divorce – and more importantly teach you tools to help you reconnect with that loving open communication that most couples start off with.   Any member of our team can help you with this – simply choose someone who feels like a good fit.

 Couples who can’t communicate well will almost certainly have problems in their relationship

Couples who are having difficulties tend not to communicate well about those difficulties

Communication difficulties are the most common presenting problems for couples counsellors.  There is a simple reason for this.


Couples With Communication Problems...

  1. Are more likely to experience relationship dissatisfaction
  2. Are at a greater risk of divorce or separation
  3. Have a higher likelihood of infidelity
  4. Often face increased stress and anxiety levels
  5. Typically demonstrate poorer conflict resolution skills.

Can Couples Overcome Communication Issues?

Yes, couples can overcome communication issues by actively working on their communication skills, seeking understanding, being patient, and with the help of counselling or therapy.


Couples With Communication Problems...

  1. Are more likely to experience relationship dissatisfaction
  2. Are at a greater risk of divorce or separation
  3. Have a higher likelihood of infidelity
  4. Often face increased stress and anxiety levels
  5. Typically demonstrate poorer conflict resolution skills.

Can Couples Overcome Communication Issues?

Yes, couples can overcome communication issues by actively working on their communication skills, seeking understanding, being patient, and with the help of counselling or therapy.

Do you need good information?

What you can learn in a couples communication class

1. Active Listening: This involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and then remembering what is being said in your conversations.
2. Nonverbal Communication: The ability to understand and use nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice effectively.
3. Empathy: The capacity to recognize, understand, and share the thoughts and feelings of another person, fostering deeper connections and reducing conflict.

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The Good News

Communication problems are typically the easiest problem to solve in couples therapy – if that is the sole issue couples normally take between 6-12 sessions (depending on how well you practice together) to master the skills required.

If you have a solid relational base of respect and affection – the relationship will typically start feeling radically different within 2-3 sessions.

The really great thing about working with a specialist couples therapist is that we teach you how to take those skills home to equip you for a lifetime of loving connection.

The best piece of advice I give to people struggling with communication is get help early – treat it like a warning light on the car. It’s designed to save you time, pain and money by letting you know early to get help.

Get Help for Communication